
From the Records of Lady Naishotani

Name: Xuegah "Xue"
Codename: Yosuzume
Age: 22
Race: Keeper-Seeker Hybrid
Rank: Jounin
Gender: Female
Blood Type: A Pos
Marital Status: Unmarried
Patron Deity: Menphina
Specialization: Retrieval, Removal, Observation, Coercion, Espionage
Languages: Eorzean Common, Doman, Hingan, Hunter's Tongue/Huntspeak
Birthplace: East Shroud, past the borders of the Sylphlands
Residence: Naishotani Clan Valley
Current Status: Active


Ill Omen:
Perhaps you've heard the sound of wings flapping in a back alley, or maybe you've found a few feathers lying about in a strange area? Was that the sound of a bird chirping? Whatever the case is, there's certainly an uneasy feeling of danger slowly creeping at the corners. But you wouldn't have anything to worry about, right?
Beware of Dog:
On the rare chance Yosuzume is spotted by someone that is not her victim, she can often be seen with a small dog wearing a tactical vest and a green bandanna. It seems that the dog is very well-trained too. Who would have thought someone could teach a dog such deadly tricks?
The Cat and the Rat:
Yosuzume will often try to expand her information network, preferring to offer payment to the ones that society ignores. Anyone could be on her payroll, from the most timid street urchin all the way to the city guard. Looking to make some easy money?
Dirty Deeds Done Not Cheap:
It comes as no surprise that Yosuzume will get jobs where someone needs to disappear or things need to work in a person's favor. Whatever the client needs, she delivers with the professionalism one expects when working with shinobi. Just be sure you can afford the service, it's not often she will take on a job for free.
The Sparrow and the Serpent:
One of Yosuzume's highest priority missions is the search and capture of a man named Nakazaya Nori, a traitor to the Naishotani Clan that murdered the Lord. Pray that you do not know anything about this man, she will find out everything you know one way or another.

Unclassified Documents

From the desk of Lady Naishotani:Incident report #5622
Nature of Incident: Early Client Termination
Status of Assignment: Mission Failure
Incident: Yosuzume was assigned with the task of protecting the delivery of cargo from Vylbrand to Thanalan. Shinobi discovered the cargo to be recently orphaned children being sold to private mining company. 12 children in total were relocated to 3 orphanages under Naishotani control. 6 children in total were brought to the Valley. Client was terminated.
Disciplinary Action: No disciplinary action taken. Client's payment divided between orphanages under Naishotani control by recommendation of Yosuzume.
Additional Note: Yosuzume assigned to investigate private mining company. Reconnaissance only, further action to be determined.

From the desk of Lady Naishotani:Operation Name: Issekinichou
Mission Assignment: Investigation of target.
Shinobi Assigned: Team of 4. 3 Jounin, 1 Jounin-elect.
Mission Objective: Observation and Infiltration
Mission Details: Shinobi are to infiltrate Intrepid Depths Mining Group as employees. Targets to be removed and replaced provided to each shinobi on separate document. Shinobi assigned are to gather reconnaissance on the chain of command, delivery schedules, and business associates. No hostile actions are to be taken until further notice. Observe and report all findings.
Contingency: Should any shinobi's cover become compromised, they are to immediately abandon the mission and return to Safe House TDQ6. They are to await further instructions while mission status is assessed. Should the mission be declared in jeopardy, remaining shinobi assigned are to incapacitate the upper chain of command and relocate them to Interrogation Site TAQ3. Should the mission be declared salvageable, shinobi are to cease observations and reports until given the command to resume operations. Should the mission be declared undamaged, shinobi assigned are to proceed as ordered.
Additional Mission for Team Leader: Team Lead Shinobi is to observe the actions of Jounin-elect and grade their performance during the mission. Should Jounin-elect take actions that may compromise the mission, they are to be removed immediately and returned to the Valley. Team Lead Shinobi is to report to Section Overseer upon their return from the mission.

Mission ReportTeam Lead Shinobi: Xuegah
Mission Status: Completed.
Casualties: 1 Civilian. 4 Mercenaries. 1 Shinobi. Targets Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta.
Casualty Details: Civilian named [REDACTED]. Mercenaries each named [REDACTED], [REDACTED], [REDACTED], and [REDACTED]. Shinobi named [REDACTED]. Shinobi [REDACTED] encountered mercenaries hired to protect Target Alpha while the team terminated Target Bravo, Target Charlie, and Target Delta. Shinobi [REDACTED] engaged in combat with mercenaries and terminated 3. Mercenary [REDACTED] attempted to take Civilian [REDACTED] as a hostage in an attempt to disrupt Shinobi [REDACTED]. Civilian [REDACTED] was shot in the neck by Mercenary [REDACTED] when his head was pierced by Shinobi [REDACTED]'s thrown iron spike. Shinobi sustained injuries that were untreatable in the field, leading to death by bleeding out. All remains were collected by the Housekeeping Team and sent to immediate family members.
Team Lead Recommendations: Grievance Counseling and Administrative Leave for Jounin-elect [REDACTED]. Fallen shinobi was the elder sibling for Jounin-elect. [REDACTED]'s death was not taken well. Additional request for assignment as Jounin-elect's Wellness Associate until declared fit for duty.

Performance Review #4559-SReviewing Officer: [REDACTED], Jounin Rank, Lead Observer of Section BSCQ.
Shinobi Under Review: Xuegah, Genin Rank, Unassigned.
Observations: While Genin Xuegah has excelled in her training and education, her peers have described her as abrasive, difficult to work with, confrontational, and unwilling to cooperate with fellow students. In addition to these statements taken from her peers, various incident reports involving Genin Xuegah are attached with this review for reference. It has been noted that despite the general consensus among Genin Xuegah's instructors that she has the potential to become an elite shinobi worthy of Clan Naishotani, they feel she will not reach that point with how she currently conducts herself. It has also been noted that some are questioning Lady Naishotani's ability to assist Genin Xuegah in her rehabilitation and acclimation to this new life of hers. While I have nothing but the utmost respect for Lady Naishotani and the Lord's faith in her methods, I worry for the safety of the other students while Genin Xuegah is undergoing this process.
Reviewing Officer's Recommendations: I believe it would be in the best interest of Clan Naishotani to hold a council meeting regarding what actions to take with Genin Xuegah. My recommendation is to remove her from this current cycle of students and dedicate more time to her rehabilitation and acclimation process; temporarily putting her shinobi training and education on standby until she can be declared 'not a liability'.
[Upon review by Lord Naishotani, the request for a council meeting regarding Genin Xuegah has been denied. Lord Naishotani has stated that she will be personally taking action regarding Genin Xuegah and resolve this matter.]
- Written by Jounin [REDACTED], dictated by Lord Naishotani.

From the desk of Lord Naishotani, to Master Ginju Morikawa:[Ginju-san,I am writing to you in regards to your announcement of intending to retire within the next few years. While I am aware that you have already hand-picked a few promising shinobi to cultivate and name as your successor, I humbly request that you meet with Genin Xuegah as a potential candidate. While the decision to take her under your literal and metaphorical wing is and always will be entirely up to your discretion, I believe you will at least find her amusing enough to keep around and nudge her in the right direction.I have faith that you will once again succeed where many others have failed.- Lord Naishotani]